Dernières nouvelles
Humanitarian crisis in Lake Chad: safe spaces have a positive impact on women's lives!  
The Lake Chad province is experiencing a humanitarian crisis resulting from a complex combination of factors. Under the combined effects of poverty, climatic hazards and attacks by non-state armed groups, the population of the Lake Province is being faced with the problems of major displacement, with its corollaries of social precariousness and the risk of gender-based violence.
Crise humanitaire au lac Tchad, les espaces sûrs impactent positivement la vie des femmes !  
La province du Lac Tchad traverse une crise humanitaire résultant d’une combinaison complexe et d’une multitude des facteurs. Sous les effets conjugués de la pauvreté, des aléas climatiques et des attaques des groupes armés non-étatiques, la population de la province du Lac se trouve confrontée aux problèmes des déplacements importants avec ses corollaires de précarité sociale ainsi que des risques de violences basée...
In Bagasola, Lake Chad province, women united for resilience and empowerment! 
For the past decade, the Lake Chad province has been confronted with security crises combined with climatic hazards, exposing the population to extreme poverty, particularly the women living in the area. UNFPA Chad, with financial support from KOICA, is implementing activities to strengthen the resilience and empowerment of these women. These activities promote gender equality, improve maternal and reproductive healt...